FGD Determination of Public Service Standards PST BPS Aceh Utara Regency in 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Utara Regency

FGD Determination of Public Service Standards PST BPS Aceh Utara Regency in 2021

FGD Determination of Public Service Standards PST BPS Aceh Utara Regency in 2021

December 16, 2021 | Other Activities

On Thursday, December 16, 2021 at 09.00 WIB, BPS Aceh Utara Regency has conducted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Determining Public Service Standards (SPP) for Integrated Statistical Services (PST) BPS Aceh Utara Regency in 2021. The FGD was attended by Representatives of Data Service Users from Local Government, Lecturers and Students.

The FGD on Determining the SPP PST of BPS Aceh Utara Regency in 2021 was opened by the Head of BPS for Aceh Utara Regency, Mrs. Nursaidah, SE, M.Si and resource person Mr. Muzakkir, SE, M.M Head of Development Control and Evaluation Division of Aceh Utara Regency Bappeda. In his directives and remarks, the Head of BPS Aceh Utara Regency conveyed the need for Determination of SPP PST BPS Aceh Utara Regency as a form of service promise to service users at PST BPS Aceh Utara Regency. On the other hand, service users must meet the requirements set out in the service standard to get the desired service.

Meanwhile, Mr. Muzakkir, SE, M.M in his presentation with the theme "Data and Information on Development in Public Services" conveyed that data in the regional planning cycle plays a role in planning, determining plans, controlling the implementation of plans and evaluating the implementation of plans. Regional development planning is based on regional development data and information.

In addition, data-based planning is very important in preparing regional work unit activity programs. When planning is used data that is not valid, it can result in development results that are less than perfect and not in accordance with the needs of the people.

The event ended with a group photo which was also attended by Assistant 3 of the Aceh Utara Regency Secretariat, Mr. Drs. Adamy, M.Pd
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