Welfare Indicators of Aceh Utara Regency 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Utara Regency

Welfare Indicators of Aceh Utara Regency 2023

Catalog Number : 4102004.1111
Publication Number : 11110.2336
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : December 28, 2023
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 1.38 MB


The publication of North Aceh Regency People's Welfare Indicators was prepared considering that socio-economic data is needed to provide an overview of development processes and results as feedback for data users. The data presented includes population, health, education, employment, housing and other social aspects originating from the results of data collection from the National Economic Survey (SUSENAS), National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS) and Long Form Population Census (SP2020LF) carried out in Aceh Regency North.This publication is presented in values and percentages, accompanied by data visualization in the form of tables and graphs followed by a description of concepts and definitions. The presentation according to social welfare indicators is intended to provide an overview of the welfare of the population in North Aceh Regency.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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